
AARRR The 5 stages of the consumer lifecycle: acquisition, activation, retention and revenue. This is the fundamental basis of the growth marketing strategy for optimal growth.

Audit : analysis and implementation of a diagnosis of a website. These may concern several areas: the technical aspect of the site, the SEO referencingthe branding...

Tree Tree structure: the architecture of a site, allowing you to visualize the entire hierarchy of its content. Ultimately, the tree structure plays a key role in user experience and natural search engine optimization.


Branding Brand identity: a set of actions designed to build customer loyalty. This includes logo, brand tone and colors.

Benchmarking : practice of analyzing the management techniques and organization of competing companies.

BtoB (Business to Business) A company whose customers and prospects are businesses.

Backlink A hypertext link from a site to its own site or page. A backlink is the opposite of an external link.

BtoC (Business to Consumer) A company whose customers, prospects and leads are private individuals.


Graphic charter : all the elements making up a brand's visual identity. These are grouped together in a document containing all the rules to be followed and respected.

Community management : management activity social networks brands. It includes putting content online and animating the community.

Content marketing : strategy based on the creation and publication of contents in order to communicate with his community and extend its visibility.

Cookies : small file enabling a company to retain information on web users in view of a subsequent connection, to gather statistics or even set up retargating campaigns, for example. With the arrival two years ago of the RGPD, you need to pay particular attention to your cookie messages. Find out more oninterview with Me Decimaa lawyer specializing in digital law. Not to be confused with the little round chocolate chip cookies!

Copyright : exclusive right held by a company or individual to protect its work (such as a photo, text or music).

CTA (Call to action) : the call to action, in French, is the set of actions implemented on the social networks or on a site to encourage users to take an action. This can be filling in a form, clicking on a button, sharing or commenting.


Data analysis : the process of cleansing, transforming and/or modernizing data in order to identify information that can be used to drive the company forward.

Web development : coding or programming that enables a website to function. It includes only the non-conceptual part, not the graphic part.


E-commerce : business activity, such as a webshopThis is an opportunity to showcase your products and services on a website and/or on social networks.


Footer : The footer is the bottom part of a website. It is often the same on every page of the site. It usually contains information about the company, legal notices, the site map or a CTA.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) : section of a website where the most frequently asked questions to the company are listed with their answers.


Growth marketing A strategy whose main objective is to grow a company and win new customers.


Header : The header is the top part of a website. It's often the same on every page of the site. It generally includes the brand logo, a menu, links to social networksaccess to the customer account and shopping cart for e-shops.

Accommodation : storage space in a secure server enabling a site to be accessed on the Internet.


KPI : figures used to assess the impact of an action and define the return on investment (ROI).


Landing page : page intended for the consumer, with the single, targeted aim of selling. It's a stand-alone page, distinct from the rest of the site.

Internal link : hypertext link to another page of the website.

External link : hypertext link referring to a site other than the one that inserted it. It is the opposite of a backlink.

Long tail : volume of traffic generated by a website according to searches in the search engines.


Internal linking : organization of all the internal links contained within the website. Wikipedia is a prime example of a site that makes extensive use of internal linking.

Maintenance (web) : set of actions to guarantee a healthy website.

Digital marketing : use of digital tools to sell products or services and/or promote a brand.

Media training : event during which a company executive communicates with the media, either in the presence of journalists, or through the brand's own media.

Agile method : a method for improving development processes and reducing failure rates.

Mobile first : in this web design system, the smartphone is at the center of the strategy. Site pages are designed primarily for tablets and smartphones.

Keyword : A word often searched for in search engines by Internet users. Their use on a website page increases its natural referencing.

Search engine : software used to search for information on the Internet (such as Google, Bing or Ecosia).

Motion design : type of videos in which graphic elements are animated, such as images, text or pictograms.


Naming : commercial technique aimed at finding a name more in line with a company or product.

Newsletter : A commercial e-mail sent regularly to customers or prospects. It can be used to inform contacts of company news or to promote products.

. domain name website name for the server. When a domain name is purchased, it is followed by a ".", such as ".fr", ".com" or ".org".


Print : All printed materials used to promote a company or product, such as catalogs, flyers and brochures.

Web page : page that makes up a website (which often has several).

Pop-up : window opening in front of the web page consulted without having been requested by the surfer. It can be an advertising, preventive or informative pop-up.


Redesign : transformation of an existing site to make it more efficient and modern, in line with the company's new objectives.

Remarketing : process for publishing advertisements on a site targeted at Internet users who have already visited the site of the brand of the advertisement.

Responsive (design) : website that can be adapted to any type of screen, whether phone, tablet or computer.

Retroplanning : forward schedule set up from the program end date to the current date.


SEA (Search Engine Advertising): also known as paid search, an advertising campaign enabling companies to appear in the first search results. Often, this is achieved via the Google Ads (or Google AdWords for old-timers), but there are others.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): also known as natural referencing, the SEO is the set of techniques that enable websites to gain visibility and rise in the search results naturally.

SSL : A secure communication protocol, it enables a site to be secured.

Storyboard : cutting a video where each scene is represented by one or more illustrations.

Storytelling : commercial technique consisting in telling a story about a brand, either fictional or real.


A/B test : A marketing technique that compares the impact of two types of presentation to determine which is more effective.


UI Design : (or user interface) focuses on the interface's appearance (via typography, colors, elements, etc.).


Webdesign : A website's mock-up, in which the creation, design and ergonomics are integrated. Web design is a fixed image of what your site will look like.

WordPress : free, open source content management system. It enables the creation of database-driven websites.

Woocommerce : WordPress extension used to create an online store.


Zoning : separation and representation of the various zones and types of content set up for a type of page on the site


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